PMMA-Implant Crown/Bridge-Milling Service

Milling services for implants, crowns, and bridges in PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) involve the use of advanced CAD/CAM software, such as exocad, to design and fabricate provisional prosthetics. PMMA is a popular material for provisional restorations due to its biocompatibility and aesthetic qualities. Here's a description: The process begins with the...

Milling services for implants, crowns, and bridges in PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) involve the use of advanced CAD/CAM software, such as exocad, to design and fabricate provisional prosthetics. PMMA is a popular material for provisional restorations due to its biocompatibility and aesthetic qualities. Here's a description:

The process begins with the digital design of the implant, crown, or bridge using exocad, a leading CAD software in the dental industry. This software allows for precise and customized designs tailored to the patient's specific needs. Once the design is complete, the digital file is transferred to a milling machine.

The milling machine utilizes cutting-edge technology to carve the prosthetic restoration out of a solid block of PMMA. PMMA is chosen for its durability, ease of milling, and temporary nature, making it suitable for provisional prosthetics. The milling process ensures accuracy and consistency in creating the desired shape and dimensions of the implant, crown, or bridge.

The resulting PMMA restoration is then carefully inspected for quality and accuracy. These provisional prosthetics play a crucial role in allowing patients to have temporary replacements while permanent restorations are being fabricated. They provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution during the healing phase or while waiting for the final restorations to be completed.

In summary, milling services for implants, crowns, and bridges in PMMA involve digital design with exocad, followed by precision milling to create temporary prosthetics that serve as placeholders until the permanent restorations are ready for placement.