Primary & Secondary Bar-Milling Service

The milling process of titanium primary and secondary bars for removable dental prosthetics involves the use of advanced CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology. In your company FINALCUT, the design is accomplished using exocad, a popular CAD software in the dental industry. Here is a general description of the milling process:...

The milling process of titanium primary and secondary bars for removable dental prosthetics involves the use of advanced CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technology. In your company FINALCUT, the design is accomplished using exocad, a popular CAD software in the dental industry.

Here is a general description of the milling process:

  1. Digital Design (CAD): The process begins with the creation of a digital model of the dental prosthetic structure using exocad software. This digital design includes the primary and secondary bars, which are crucial components for the removable dental prosthetics.

  2. CAM Programming: After the digital design is completed, the CAD data is translated into CAM programming (Millbox). Millbox generates toolpaths and instructions for the milling machine based on the digital design.

  3. Material Selection: Titanium is a commonly used material for dental prosthetics due to its biocompatibility, strength, and durability. The selected titanium bars are typically in the form of blanks or pre-machined stock.

  4. Milling Process: The CAM instructions guide the milling machine in removing material from the titanium blanks to create the desired shape of the primary and secondary bars. Milling machines use precision cutting tools to achieve accurate dimensions and surface finishes.

  5. Quality Control: Throughout the milling process, quality control measures are implemented to ensure that the final product meets the design specifications. This may involve measuring dimensions, checking surface finishes, and verifying the accuracy of the milled features.

  6. Post-Milling Processes: After milling, additional processes such as polishing or surface treatments may be applied to enhance the final appearance and functionality of the titanium bars.

  7. Integration with Prosthetic Framework: The milled titanium primary and secondary bars are then integrated into the overall prosthetic framework, providing support and stability for removable dental prosthetics.

It's important to note that the specific details of the milling process can vary based on the equipment used, the design requirements, and the preferences of FINALCUT. Additionally, adherence to regulatory standards and best practices in dental prosthetics manufacturing is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the final product.